I'm Ariel, a Brand Developer & UX Designer.

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effica staff assignment screen


a kitchen management resource for fast-casual and traditional restaurant spaces.


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I. Simplifying Restaurant Prep

A Case Study

effica app
effica logo

Effica is a tablet application for restaurant prep management that provides a single source of truth for kitchen management and staff, enabling efficient communication, consistent product and a positive customer experience in the restaurant space.


Select headings below to navigate case study.

  • Understanding the Problem: Developed problem statement and user persona.
  • User Research: Identified interview participants and conducted user research, interviewing 5 restaurant owners of sit-down and fast casual concepts.
  • Analysis: Synthesized research utilizing affinity mapping and developed journey map to determine and improve application functions and features
  • Design Ideation: Designed preliminary sketches and low fidelity wire-frames and prototype using Figma
  • Moderated Testing: Conducted 3 moderated usability tests with low fidelity prototype
  • High Fidelity Design: Reiterated app concept based on feedback and created brand guidelines for high fidelity prototype
  • Unmoderated Testing: Conducted 5 unmoderated usability tests utilizing Maze and gathered additional feedback to Implement further product improvements.
  • Prototype: Completed final prototype for Effica

A high level overview is shown here before diving into the details. The application has 4 dashboards that can be accessed by the bottom navigation bar. This structure saves steps and time for all kitchen functions.

Understanding the Problem

Problem Statement

The prep team is most challenged with managing their time effectively because of the lack of reliable communication and organization within the kitchen stations, and among shifts as day and night staff rotate. If we can solve this problem, it would impact the bottom line and the guest experience positively by enabling an efficient line of communication and consistent product. It would also benefit our business because it would minimize waste, production steps, and human error that impact the kitchen teams' ability to focus on the guest experience. 

User Persona


  • He gets in every morning and creates the master prep list based on business needs
  • Delegates the work for prep and production
  • Plans and manages staff time, preparing for constraints that may unexpectedly arise


  • Create a timely and positive customer experience
  • Teams communicate and function interdependently
  • Be prepared at the start of every shift


  • Ticket times must be efficient
  • Food must be consistent
  • Understand what is on-hand and what must be prepared based on business projections to prioritize and delegate with fluidity

Pain Points

  • Time management for prep work before opening hour (typically 11am)
  • Communication between morning and night staff
  • Communication between purchasing and production
  • Consistency in preparation and execution

User Research

“Half our battle in the restaurant industry is lack of communication.” 

“Kitchen production starts at the beginning and starts with preparation.”

“So it's really important that a kitchen is organized, and our cooks are not taking more than three steps to be efficient.” 

“If one station falls behind, we all fall behind.”


My initial synthesis helped me to come up with high-level functions and features as shown in the 2x2 matrix. As I began to lay out the Journey Map it quickly started growing to become a fully functional concept.

For the Journey Map I focused on four steps: Defining Needs, Organizing the Workday, Executing the Plan, and Debriefing. Below are highlights:

2x2 matrixjourney map

Define needs: This is where I played with the idea that we could expedite "needs" by providing an automatic function that computes the "need" by taking the daily Par minus the entered On-Hand quantity.

Organize the workday: This is where I decided the priority level of items was important, and wanted to incorporate the priority automation based on 3 ranges for high, medium and low. I also saw that a bulk assignments feature would increase efficiency.

Execute the Plan: This is where I realized that a staff dashboard was necessary to execute the plan and a Recipe Card Dashboard would be a vital resource for staff members.

Debrief: Communication was a top priority, it only made sense to incorporate a Notes Dashboard for centralized communication.

Design Ideation

sketchsketchsketchlow fidelity mockuplow fidelity mockuplow fidelity mockup

Moderated Testing

With my low-fidelity wireframes I then conducted 3 moderated usability tests. Key Takeaways from the testing were to 1) add a language toggle for kitchen staff as many don’t read or write in English, 2) recipe cards should adjust based on “needs” calculated in prep list, 3) create Notes Dashboard, so there is host for the collection of notes over time, and 4) adjust interface for recipes and staff dashboard as they are too similar and may be confusing. 

High Fidelity Design

high fidelity mockup
Brand Style Guide
effica style guide

Unmoderated Testing

After creating the high-fidelity prototype I used Maze to conduct unmoderated usability tests with 4 users. My main finding was that onboarding is required for the station detail cards for first time users and the station detail card took the longest of the 5 missions. So I returned to Figma and created onboarding notifications that led you through using the application and gave you hints. 

Final Prototype

final prototype

About Ariel

Originally from the West Coast, I now reside in Charlotte, NC. Much of my free time is spent learning new skills, acquiring new perspectives, and caring for my body, mind and spirit. I hope to bring a higher consciousness to everything I do both personally and professionally. I enjoy all forms of creativity from interior, graphic and UX design to metaphysical modalities like crystals and energy clearing.

My journey into User Experience Design is met by a culmination of disciplines in marketing, graphic design, social media management and brand development. I strive to use these talents comprehensively, knowing that the best experiences are designed holistically.
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